
Sewer Intell is the light at the end of the tunnel

Sewer Inspection Automation

Our proprietary artificial intelligence software automates the sewer inspection process to empower your municipality and workers to save on time and costs while increasing efficiency.


NASSCO Partner Logo

NASSCO Compliant

Our software follows NASSCO’s PACP requirements and best industry standards. We detect and report on over 20 different defect categories, helping you plan and prioritize maintenance.

Safe & Secure Data Storage for Sewer Inspection Software

Safe and Secure

Our software is 100% safe and secure - you own your information and data. Sewer Intell has an intuitive interface that does not require any extra training or disrupt your existing processes.


Sewer Intell uses a tiered pricing model, you pay per inspection meter. The more you buy the more you save. Even better - your meters never expire! Our clients have reported over 70% savings!

Cheap Sewer Inspection Service Cost


  • Accurate Sewer Dection Software

    98% Accurate

    Sewer Intell is over 70% more accurate than human detection, allowing for proper maintenance prioritization.

  • Fast Sewer Inspection Technology

    90% Faster Inspection

    Sewer Intell takes just 20 seconds to inspect 1 meter of pipe, maximizing sewer condition assessment efficiency.

  • Easy Sewer Inspection Software

    Easy Integration

    Our software can be catered to you, including your IT infrastructure, output formatting, and feature needs.

See Sewer Intell in action:

Demonstration of using artificial intelligence for the sewage inspection process.

Our proprietary software uses artificial intelligence to streamline your sewer condition assessment process, freeing up your employees to work on more creative tasks.

We have partners across Canada…


British Columbia




Saskatchewan • British Columbia • Ontario • Manitoba • Alberta •

Join the municipal movement toward harnessing the power of artificial intelligence.